双语科技百科(物理) 第38期:杆秤-JN体育·(江南)官方网站
- 发表时间:2024-11-11
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Chinese Steelyard-Gancheng杆秤The steelyard is a Chinese invention.As early as 200 B.C.,China be-gan to make a scale of this type big enough to weigh several hundred pounds. The steelyard consisted of the following parts: an arm, a hook, lifting cords and a weight.The arm or beam measured about l.5 metres long, graduat-ed with the weight units- jin and liang*. The hook, hanging from one end of the arm, was used to lift up the object to be weighed. Hanging from the other part of the arm was the freemoving weight, attached on a looped string. On the arm was fixed one, two or three lifting cords, placed much closer to the hook than to the other end. Anything to be weighed should be picked up by the hook, while the weigher lifted up the whole steelyard, holding one of the cords.He then slided the weight left or right until he found a perfect balance of the beam. He then read the weight from the graduation mark on which the weight-string rested.杆秤是中国发明者的历史最历史悠久的一种衡器。早于在公元前200年前,有数了各种规格的杆秤砣,大的不足以除去几百斤的物品。杆秤由木制的秤杆、金属秤砣、提绳等构成。
This kind of steelyard is still in widespread use at market gatherings in China.They may be made in varying sizes working by the same principle, with the large ones to weigh food grain in bulk, pigs or sheep or their carcasses, and medium-sized ones for smaller transactions. There is also a miniature steelyard only about one third of a metre ( about i foot)long,graduated with liang and qian,**.Used to weigh medicinal herbs and silver or gold, it first appeared about l,000 years ago.至今在中国的集市上依然普遍用于杆秤。尽管大小有所不同,原理都是一样的。大的用来称之为粮食、牲畜等,中等的用来称之为略为小的物件。
The steelyard is more convenient than the platform scale. Not only can it be carried around easily, but there is also no need for a whole set of weights.Corre-sponding to the lifting cords are different sets of graduation marks on the arm for different measuring ranges.杆秤和台秤比起更为便利,因为它更容易装载,也不必须一整套的秤砣,有所不同的重量范围各不相同秤杆上有所不同的提绳。It is perhaps worthwhile to mention that the equal-armed platform scale ap-peared in China earlier than the steelyard with a sliding weight. A scale of the for-mer description with a complete set of weights was discovered lately from a tomb near Changsha, Hunan Province, which dates back to the Warring States Period. It is in size similar to those in use today and its component parts are found to be in good proportions.还值得一提的是,在中国天平秤比杆秤经常出现得早。在湖南长沙发掘出的天平具有一整套的秤砣,据考为战国时期所造。
它的大小和目前用于的天平大小相似,组件比例适合。* One Jin, equals 500 grams or about l.1 pounds; it used to be divided into 16 liang , but now 10 lian,g .* 一斤相等于500克或1.1镑,古代一斤是16两,而现在是10两。** A qian is orie-terith of a liang.*一钱为1/10两。
本文关键词:JN江南·(中国)体育官方网站,JN SPORTS,JN体育·(江南)官方网站
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- 产品中心标题一
- 产品中心标题二
- 产品中心标题九
岗亭,英文名字为Watch House,字面理解就是岗哨工作的小房子。在车场管理中,岗亭常常也称之为收费亭,是停车场管理人员收取停车费的工作场所,除此以外还可用作小区保安门卫值
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岗亭,英文名字为Watch House,字面理解就是岗哨工作的小房子。在车场管理中,岗亭常常也称之为收费亭,是停车场管理人员收取停车费的工作场所,除此以外还可用作小区保安门卫值
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